Wow Is Serious Business
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World of Warcraft uniquely engulfs gamers in a complete world of sensory stimuli allowing them lose themselves for hours, days, and months. Gamers construct intricate characters, identities, and even take on different names to actually become walking characters in this alternate world. The extent to which these people interalize the new world and shift their identities and priorities will obviously have consequences on their human components. While most don't display clear mental health issues like the character freaking out about a sword in this clip, his reaction clearly speaks to how lost gamers become. "It's just a fucking game."
isnt ecromancers a part of guild wars?
correction necromancers
Cloudsong is from Dark Age of Camelot (DAoC) NOT from WoW. Granted that doesn't make this any less sad, but just thought you would like to know.
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