Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Don't Mess With Gamers.

Don't Mess With Gamers (video)

This is one of the scariest gamer reactions I've seen to being interrupted. Granted, the other people were probably antagonizing him. But c'mon. Maybe in their world things like this happen without consequence...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Youre retarded and too focused on blaming a particular facet of internet culture, using examples of internet culture.

The shit you have posted here is not representative of WoW; its representative of the entire fucking internet. You come off amateurish, and biased, and your teenager logic is retarded. congrats.

8:46 AM  
Blogger Kyle said...

...and you're anonymous.

8:50 AM  
Blogger bleeeeeeeeeeeeeee said...

.. .. ...

8:42 AM  
Blogger alex said...

5:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Intellegent take against World of Warcraft!!! BS. All of you girls are bitching b/c your BFs are spending time with their online friends and not all their time with you. typical girl behavior, you get jealous when attention is diverted from you. Wow is a fun game, but most of it is social. the Guild Raids of which you speak are actually times that guild-mates who have developed friendships to socialize with the added benefit of killing shit and geting money. Dont hate on WoW because of your greedy little pissy fits. get over yourself and realize that your BFs dont wanna spend EVERY SINGLE MINUTE with you. Stop trying to control your BFs completely by making them stop playing and drop everything they like doing for YOU. Maybe thats why they dont want to hang with you all the time, cuz youre controlling Attention whores.

2:46 AM  
Blogger Lily Unfolded said...

Let me start by saying: Yes, I am a WoW player. I'm not ashamed of it, it's for fun and relaxion, and that's it. For people who become obsessed with it let me tell you if it weren't WoW it would be something else. And if your boyfriend is more into a game than you, it isn't a problem with the game he's playing, it's with his commitment to nurturing the relationship. If someone has friends that are taking the game too seriously, talk to them about it, suggest a relaxed family guild that will be understanding of his inability to come to the all-important raid night bc of real life things.. I have a guild like that and it is great. They don't get as far in end game but that's a compromise that adults with busy lives need. So no, don't mess with gamers. Be supportive of his/her choice of entertainment but tactfully approach the subject if that choice is harming their relationships in 'real life'. When you approach them think of something you really like to do and how you would feel if someone told you that you were addicted or obsessed. Maybe it's all those TV programs you just CAN'T miss for anything, or the next chapter in that romance novel that you can't put down until you find out what happens to Ramone. Sometimes people can get so into something they start to ignore people without realizing it, yes. But negativity is going to further alienate you from them and make them want to spend MORE time in game as things get increasingly uncomfortable approaching you. Also, for gf OR bf, your significant other needs time apart too. It's important for a relationship only a matter of balance. His only day off is raid day? Raiding doesn't take all day! Make plans before or afterwards, and if you can't tell him he needs to find a group that can raid at a more convenient time. ;-) Most guilds do raids in 3-hour stints. He's easily got 9 hours aside from raiding time to do something with you.

8:03 AM  
Blogger CCT said...

Well i have a similar situation but in a different area. I was unfortunately introduced to the Cormier Cock Tease (aka CCT) having a girl pleasure me orally and proceed to become embarrassed and proceed to blush and discontinue her part. Anyway my balls have increased in size (at least 2 inches in diameter). Is that good and cool?

10:03 PM  
Blogger Nate said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

9:47 PM  

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